Sun Advisory has, as part of our contribution to the development of businesses, launched the GROW (Get Ready to Own your World) Programme.
We believe that many individuals have the potential to become entrepreneurs, who could own successful businesses, which will contribute to the growth of the South African economy and the creation of employment. There are many examples of how investing a successful business has enabled individuals to diversify their source of income, achieve greater work life balance and pursue more rewarding activities. Many people have the desire to start or invest in a business but fail to take the next step.
The GROW business coaching program aims to provide guidance and advice to people who want to start or invest in a business by sharing knowledge broadly related to the areas below.
Planning a money-making business
The aim of starting and investing in a business is to make a profit i.e. make money. We provide guidance and advice on the most appropriate strategy and business model to ensure greatest potential return for the capital being invested. All aspects of the plan must align to the strategy e.g. marketing, operations, human resources, operations, IT and finance. We also provide an understanding of how to register a company, handle the internal admin and meet your SARS obligations.
Raising business finance
One of the most challenging aspects of starting or investing in a business is raising the funding required. We provide guidance and advice on how to prepare the financial projections, determine amount and nature of funding (debt vs equity), present the numbers to meet the expectations of banks and other investors.
Assessing a business investment
We believe assessing a business investment requires a structured approach. We provide guidance and advice on how to assess the nature of the business, the management and underlying business mode, assessing the numbers, both historical and future projections, exit options and assessing the risks and finally mitigate the risk of loss through a shareholder’s agreement.
Sun Advisory understands the benefits of promoting entrepreneurship and has therefore decided to sponsor 8 coaching sessions a month, while also supporting a charity providing educational support to teachers and learners from under resourced schools in disadvantaged areas.
Secure a booking for one of the 8 free forty-five minute sessions, by making a R150 (or more) donation to The Thandulwazi Maths and Science Academy (education focussed charity).
The Thandulwazi Saturday School, targets Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 learners from under-resourced schools serving communities in disadvantaged areas. The focus is on providing extra tuition in core subjects, such as Maths, Science, Accounting and English. It costs R150 per month (i.e. R 1800 per year) to fund one learner to attend the 30 Saturday sessions. This covers the costs of teachers and tutors; all printing and worksheets provided; the annual Mathletics Licence fee and an individual log-in for every student; access to computers and the internet on Saturdays for Mathletics practice.
Contact us www.sunadvisory.co.za/contact-us/ and we will forward you all the booking details.